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Hey Everyone,

REVEL bling!

REVEL bling!

So, the first leg of my crazy half marathon “trifecta” is in the books.

This morning I ran the inaugural REVEL Canyon City Half Marathon.

And I had a blast.

Meeting up with several of my running friends, we trekked down the San Gabriel Mountains in Angeles National Park on a beautiful fall morning.

I have to admit it was rather difficult to rein things in and not pick up my pace as I made my way down the mountain. I had planned to run an 11:30 pace, but came in at 11:00 min/mile (guess my tortoise pace had a little hare in it after all).

But I felt at ease and not tired at all as I crossed the finish line and grabbed a neat piece of race bling. Read the rest of this entry


Tortoise vs. Hare. One of Aesop’s classic fables about how slow and steady can indeed win the race.

Wanna race?

Wanna race?

For a competitive guy like me (big surprise, I know), my default speed is “full tilt boogie.”

Mind you, when it comes to racing, my boogieing full tilt still means I’m finishing in the middle of the pack… but maybe just a little more to the front of the middle than normal.

I like to test myself, to see exactly what my limits are and find out how I can push beyond them.

So, obviously it can be a bit difficult to purposely take my foot off the gas… even when it is the wisest move. Read the rest of this entry


Let's do it!

Let’s do it!

When I first planned out my races for 2014, I decided to undertake an incredibly ambitious schedule.

I was going to run 14 half/full marathons in 2014. “14 in 2014″… get it?

Well, as the races started adding up and falling into place schedule wise, I saw that one weekend in particular was going to be a tad challenging… perhaps even a wee bit insane.

On the weekend of Nov. 15th- 16th, I was going to be running not one, not two, but three half marathons. That’s 39.3 miles of racing in just 33 hours (and in two different states). Read the rest of this entry


Hey Trippers!

Races to the front of me, races behind.

Races to the front of me, races behind.

On Sunday I ran the Shoreline Half Marathon, which basically serves as my halfway point in this “marathon” of a running year.

I set a few running goals for 2014 and so far, have managed to hit several of ’em:

  • I’ve PR’d in the marathon (4:58:16), half marathon (2:03:14) and 10K (56:56).
  • I ran 3 full marathons in less than 90 days to qualify for the Marathon Maniacs (#9416).
  • I’ve run a half or full marathon every month this year so far (with plans to continue this into 2015).

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Warning: Crazy ahead!

Warning: Crazy ahead!

“I may be crazy, but it keeps me from going insane.”  -Waylon Jennings

When I lined up my race schedule for 2014, I decided to go way outside of my comfort zone and see just how far I could push myself.

I signed up for 14 halfs/fulls (twice as many long races as I’d ever done before in a single calendar year).

I challenged myself to PR in the marathon distance and break the 5-hour barrier. I PR’d at the LA Marathon, still working on the 5-hour barrier. My next chance is May 4th at the OC Marathon.

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