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Ooh, what’s inside?

The celebratory shout to the heavens of “NEW SHOES” is uttered far more often by the ladies as opposed to the gents. And having seen the closets of several girlfriends throughout my adult life, it has shown me that you ladies do indeed love you some shoes… a whole lot of ’em. One might even go so far as to say an “excessive” amount of shoes.

I know I’m sailing into dangerous waters here.

As for me, while I do enjoy a nice pair of shoes, I would happily live my entire life in a pair of comfy sneakers or canvas shoes. They really aren’t a big deal to me at all.

With one notable exception: my running shoes.

Holy Shnikes! Do I obsess over running shoes. Read the rest of this entry


Big chair... but not "the" chair in question.

Big chair… but not “the” chair in question.

Sunday afternoon I was wondering what the exchange rate is from karma to dollars.

Let me explain.

I often talk about “Cosmic Karma” and how the universe keeps track of your kind words and selfless actions, sort of like a bank trading in the currency of good deeds.

Yes, I just made a financial institutional analogy to “You reap what you sow.”

But like Bank of America, I feel I often do nothing but make deposits at the galactic ATM and get charged stupid fees if I want to make any kind of withdrawal. And let’s not even talk about interest.

So, let me talk briefly about my latest deposit. Read the rest of this entry


"Bon appétit."

“Bon appétit.”

Hey “Trippers!”

(BTW, how’s that for a nickname for people who like the blog?)

Things are uber-zany at work this week so I only have time for a quick post today.

It’s the writing equivalent of when you don’t have time to get to the grocery store, don’t want to order a pizza and are determined to make dinner from whatever is left in the fridge… in my case a diet coke, some margarine, three types of mustard and some spinach lettuce. Oof.

PB&J anyone?

Read the rest of this entry


Bright future= shades.

Bright future= shades.

On any other day of the year, “green” references have to do with being ecologically friendly and helping the planet.

But on March 17th, everything GREEN is about “St. Patrick’s Day.”

From shamrock shakes (yum) to corned beef and cabbage, to four leaf clovers and wearing green (lest we be pinched), one day each year we let our inner-leprechauns run free… and we’re definitely not in search of a marshmallowy breakfast cereal.

In the tradition of getting a little “Luck of the Irish” (which could be considered a euphemism for drinking) I did a pub crawl last night with a twist.

Last night I did my first “pub run.” It will not be my last. Read the rest of this entry