Category Archives: Summer Snippet


“Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means a whale’s vagina.” -Ron Burgandy



This snippet gets all geeky.

In early July I ran the Peachtree Road Race, one of my annual summer traditions.

Well, a week later I embarked on another annual summer tradition: ComicCon.

For those of you who don’t know what ComicCon is… what the hell planet do you live on?

Every July, over 130,000+ comic/film/TV/pop culture fanatics swarm to San Diego for five days of geek nirvana.

And I happily join them.

This year my buddies Jeff, Jack, “other” Scott and I once again boarded the train in LA (much better than driving) to head down San Diego way.

We wandered the expo floor, attended several panels, ran into friends/co-workers/celebs and hit numerous parties every night. Here’s some of the proof: Read the rest of this entry


A rainy snippet today.

“Damp” Peachtree .

On July 4th this year I ran the Peachtree Road Race in Atlanta along with 55,000+ other runners.

Peachtree is a near annual tradition for me (it was my first race ever back in 1994) and 2015 was the 11th (or 12th) time I ran it.

I’ve written about Peachtree quite a bit in past posts. You can read about it here.

But this year I encountered something new at the Peachtree (and for any race).




Now I’ve run plenty of times in the rain before. I even had a downpour fry one of my iPods. You can read about that here.

But it’s always just been water falling from the sky. I haven’t been in a race before where Zeus decided to lob down some fireworks from Mt. Olympus.

Let me Reader’s Digest it for you.

Rain was in the forecast for the race… a 50% chance. Flip your coin. Heads for dry. Tails for not so dry.

It came up tails. Read the rest of this entry


Me and Nana.

Me and Nana.

Following my move at the end of June, I left “umpteen” (it’s a real number in my mind) boxes to unpack later and immediately flew off to Atlanta to spend the 4th of July holidays with the whole family.

Note: Lindy wasn’t flying in to Atlanta for another day or two, so she got some quality solo “box” time. Aren’t I sweet?

When I arrived in the “Peachtown, USA” my youngest niece Savannah exclaimed how she’d love for her and I to go to Six Flags Over Georgia.

Now i’m a huge fan of theme parks and rides, so it wasn’t a tough sell.

So on an overcast Tuesday, Nana and I trekked to the park (before it even opened) for what turned out to be a raging rollercoaster-rama! Read the rest of this entry


“Moving sucks.” -Anyone who has ever moved.

Last month I moved.

Boxes of

Boxes of “suck.”

I will pause for your sympathy.

You truly don’t know how much stuff you have until you put it in boxes and move it from point “A” to point “B.”

And no matter how well you plan, or how much you promise that you will be the sterling example of organization, moving eventually deteriorates into a “free-for-all” where you just start shoving crap anywhere.

I’ve moved several times since I first came to LA. And it has sucked.

Every. Single. Time. Read the rest of this entry


I’ll start my “Summer Snippets” with a bit of an epilogue.

What are you doing Dec. 18th?

What are you doing Dec. 18th?

My last pre-MIA post back in June was about me opting not to sign up for the 2016 Star Wars Half Marathon due to a lack of a Disney deferral policy (due to the strong possibility of a trip to Oz with Lindy that would necessitate me skipping the race).

Well, after I posted my article I received several responses from readers (you guys are a sharp and good-looking bunch, have I told you that) pointing out that Disney does deferrals.

So I dug deep into the Run Disney website. Lo and behold, the House of Mouse running division does have a deferral policy. Read the rest of this entry


For those of you who have visited “Tripping The Kenyans” over the last month you’ve probably noticed one thing.

Where the hell has Scott been?

Where the hell has Scott been?

I’ve been nowhere to be seen… or read for that matter.

Yup, I’ve been “Blogging MIA.”

I apologize for my absence, but sometimes life just gets in the way.

Now I haven’t been spending my time just lounging on the sofa scarfing down Doritos and binge-watching Netflix… although that does sound kinda sweet.

Actually, I’ve been bouncing non-stop from one thing to another (some fun changes afoot). I’ve been on both coasts and juggling both work and play. I’ve even managed to do a some running and finished a summer race.

And rather than give you one big summary post, I figured I’d catch you up in quick bites over the next week or so.

So check back tomorrow for the first installment of my “Summer Snippets.”

Run on!