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Hi Trippers,

A quick follow-up to yesterday’s post about the Marathon Maniacs and Half Fanatics.

Each month the Half Fanatics eBlast out their newsletter. In addition to listing new members of “the asylum,” showing race photos and giving out some fun race facts, each month the newsletter singles out one fanatic.

This month’s newsletter just arrived and I was chosen as the “Featured Fanatic.” The powers that be had asked me to answer a few questions about my past, present and future… and what I like about being a fanatic.

Please give it a gander:

Click on image to view the PDF of the entire newsletter.

Click on image to view the PDF of the entire newsletter.

Have a great Thursday… and Run on!



A special kind of crazy.

A special kind of crazy.

Back in October I joined… or should I say I “qualified” for the Half Fanatics, a group of 8,000+ runners (and growing daily) who tear through races like happy hour patrons tear through a free buffet.

Yeah, the Half Fanatics run a whole helluva lot of races.

They’re my “running fraternity” and I wrote a post about ’em a few months ago. Check it out here.

Well there’s one thing to note about the Half Fanatics; they are actually a “spin off” of another popular running group. Yup, for all intents and purposes, they are the “Laverne & Shirley,” “Mork & Mindy” or “Joanie Loves Chachi” (best include ’em all) to the “Happy Days”* of running groups: the Marathon Maniacs.

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Warning: Crazy ahead!

Warning: Crazy ahead!

“I may be crazy, but it keeps me from going insane.”  -Waylon Jennings

When I lined up my race schedule for 2014, I decided to go way outside of my comfort zone and see just how far I could push myself.

I signed up for 14 halfs/fulls (twice as many long races as I’d ever done before in a single calendar year).

I challenged myself to PR in the marathon distance and break the 5-hour barrier. I PR’d at the LA Marathon, still working on the 5-hour barrier. My next chance is May 4th at the OC Marathon.

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Half Fanatics

Half Fanatics Unite!

In college I didn’t go Greek; rather I stayed in the dorms all four years serving as a Resident Assistant (in charge of 72 Freshman/Sophomore students). Sure it was hard work, but quite rewarding to help others. Oh, and I got free room, board and tuition… so Woo-Hoo!

So, while I was ecstatic to graduate without owing a penny in student loans, I always wondered what it would have been like to be in fraternity… to know that I could run into fellow brothers (or sisters) anywhere around the country or recognize someone wearing our emblem and have something in common.

Well, I did finally join a fraternity. It just took me twenty more years.

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