
It’s on!

Race week is finally upon us. On Sunday March 19th, myself and approximately 24,999 other pavement pounders will be lacing ’em up for the annual Los Angeles Marathon to trek the 26.2 miles from Dodgers Stadium all the way to the Santa Monica Pier.

For those of you who don’t know about the LA Marathon and its scenic “stadium to the sea” route, you should check it out. It really is quite a sight. Think of it as a running tour of the city.

Okay, actually think of it as a multi-hour sweaty, trying not to heave up your lungs and crash to the ground ending up in the fetal position, running tour of the city. As you question your worth as a human being, you’ll pass by: Dodger Stadium, Disney Hall, The Chinese Theater, Sunset Blvd., Rodeo Drive, the lovely Pacific Ocean and many other sights. Here’s the course map.

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The week leading up to the Los Angeles Marathon is always a busy one for me. For starters, it’s typically the week of my birthday (it’s actually today… so woo hoo). Not to mention that I’m also usually still trying to reach my fundraising goal. Fortunately, an incredibly generous donation from a running friend last week helped push me over the top. So that’s all done.

Now I can just focus on the other things that totally freak me out in the week leading up to race day.


March 14th… woo hoo!

TRAINING- At this point I’m just tapering, but wondering if my conditioning is going to be sufficient to get me through the entire race. I used a one-on-one coach this season who has worked me hard (improving my speed). However, I’ve had some endurance issues on my last few long runs for various reasons, so I’m a bit worried about how I’ll fare in the final few miles.

PACE- This kind of goes hand in hand with training. What finish time, pace, nutrition and run/walk ratio should I shoot for on race day? I’ve been tweaking all of them the last few weeks (with the aid of my coach) and I’m still not quite certain my exact strategy for race day. My coach and I will pow wow on Friday night to make our decision.

HEALTH- On race week my inner germaphobe rears his ugly head. I don’t want to catch so much as a sniffle in the days leading up to race (hazmat suit optional). Last week, however, I came down with some harsh allergies (or perhaps a cold). Being a mobile snot factory on race day is not a good thing, so I’ve been pumping my body full of things in the hopes of turning off the phlegm works. So far so good.


Last year’s race bling.

FOOD- On race week my diet gets very predictable and quite boring. This is not the week to go crazy trying some new kind of food that may not agree with your system (no squid smoothies). I’m also extra wary about how my food is prepared because this is also not the week to get food poisoning (note: there is never a good week for food poisoning). Fortunately since it is my birthday, I’ll be able to enjoy plenty of comfort-foodish cake/ice cream and the sort (goes under the heading of carbo loading). Unfortunately, my no booze ban went into effect Sunday night (well, maybe one beer to celebrate the B-day and perhaps one for nerve-calming come Friday).

WEATHER- The last three years Mother Nature has decided to turn the Los Angeles Marathon into a sauna fun run. Excessive heat has kept PR expectations very low (including the year we ran the race under an extreme head advisory). So far the forecast for March 19th is shaping up nicely… partly cloudy with lows in the 50s and a high of just 70. But I’ll be checking every 12 seconds or so for the next week to see if conditions change in the slightest.

MY BRAIN- Perhaps my biggest hurdle leading up to race day is the three headed beast of me, myself and I. Self doubt is natural when taking on a full marathon and while I feel I’ve got the half marathon distance down pretty well, I’m still trying to run what I consider a “complete” full marathon (even though I’ve done 10 of ’em). Granted no one I know considers a full marathon to be a breeze and being uncomfortable in the latter miles is par for the course. But in the past I think I’ve made the mistake of listening to my negative noggin too much as well as putting too much pressure on myself. One of my goals on race day is not to wage a war with my inner doubt. Rather I’m going to try and focus on the positive energy from the crowd and my fellow marathoners.

2012 Honda LA Marathon

…to the sea.

Other than that, I’ve got plenty of other little details to deal with: what to wear on race day, when to hit the expo, managing to get a few winks of sleep the night before, parking/shuttling to and from the course and so on.

Stress, excitement, anticipation… all part of marathon week. It’s glorious stuff.

So bring it on… and run on!

Posted on March 14, 2017, in General. Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. I also feel that I have cracked the code on the half marathon and have run several start to finish with barely a slowdown at the aid stations. Marathons…not so much. It becomes a death march by mile 18…every…single…time. 14 marathons, different training, different execution plans, same results. Running calculators estimate that I should be able to run a marathon in 3:40 (which would put me in striking distance of Boston), but my PR is 4:26. Recent efforts are closer to 5:30. So, yeah, give me a heads up if you crack that code!

    I think my marathon days are behind me. If I do another, it will likely be a world major (NYC or Chicago). LA was on the short list. I love urban courses that give a good tour of the city. But, living in northern climate, March is about the toughest month to train for. Polar vortexes and snow/ice on the roads make for treacherous long runs. I can prep for January races before hell freezes over and can get long runs in fo May when we are getting some hints of spring. The though of training for LA is intimidating. It sounds like an amazing course. If I ever did ONE marathon in California, would this be the one to do? My other short list races include San Francisco and Big Sur. I thought about Surf City (love their medals!) but the course looks awful.

    Have a great race!

    • Thanks for the post. So I’m not alone in the marathon death march (misery indeed loves company). I do drop off crazily in the second half (my coach believes it’s a combo of nutrition and my head). And I understand about March training being tough elsewhere in the country. It’s a beautiful sunny day in the 80s here in CA while the east coast is in the middle of one helluva snowstorm. I’ve got SF and Big Sur on my list (scenic but hilly races). And yes, the Surf City course for the full marathon is pretty blah (back and forth on the bike path in the second half). I’ve only done the half marathon there which is nice to see the ocean. And the medal does rock. Keep your fingers crossed for me for LA.

      • Not in your head. It’s unnatural for humans to run 26.2 miles (the first one who did it died…so we all said “That looks like fun! Can we get a medal? We’ll pay money…”). It’s a friggin zombie apocalypse when I cross the finish line. But LA looks like a great course. Maybe someday. Hope you have a great race!