You have no idea what is on your social calendar for the rest of the week, yet you can recite the exact date and location of every single race you have planned (plus alternates) for the next 12 months.

Run on!


I think I have a race-free weekend in July.

Posted on February 21, 2014, in General. Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. So true! Except I have no idea anymore what a social calendar is.

    • Ha! I know the feeling. Although my big social event tonight involves doing laundry after work (no clean running clothes for tomorrow), cleaning my place and getting to bed at a reasonable hour because I have to be up before 6am tomorrow for our 10-mile taper run. Yup, I am a party animal!

      • Well, it’s Friday night here already and I’m sitting at home reading blogs and commenting on yours, so the party animal title goes to ME. 🙂
        I’m on a similar schedule, taper week, 15KM/9.3M tomorrow morning, that’s my long run while tapering. Except I’m doing a half and you a full, right?

      • Okay…you win (but your clothes must already be clean then). I am doing a full marathon two weeks from Sunday (LA Marathon on March 9th). I prefer the half-marathon taper because for me it’s only really one week of stepping off the gas before a race. I’m chomping at the bit for the big race, and taking it easy for two weeks is a bit of a challenge… of course, I’ll be thankful for the taper when I’m around mile 19 and still finding some gas in the tank and muscles that aren’t stiff.

      • My clothes are clean and ready for tomorrow. I don’t think I would ever run out of running clothes anyway. 2 weeks of tapering sounds about right for a marathon, less wouldn’t be smart… sure it sucks and you’ll be a pain in the butt for a couple of weeks, but it will pay off.